At Channel Islands Family Dental, we offer our patients the best quality dental crowns. Visit our dentista in Santa Paula to find out about dental implants.
More infoDental veneers is a permanent change to your teeth and appearance, so if you are thinking of getting veneers in Ventura, let’s learn some about the benefits and disadvantages of dental veneers from our specialists at Channel Islands Family Dental,
More infoOur dentists will never recommend extraction if there is a less invasive treatment option. Make sure you understand why extraction is recommended and what the procedure involves for you or your child.
More infoSanta Paula, founded in 1948, is a city located in Ventura County in the US state of California. In 2000 it had a population of 28,598 inhabitants and a population density of 2,403.2 people per km²
PLay videoAll of our dental and orthodontic specialists at Channel Islands Family Dental are trained to work specifically with children as young as age one and those with special needs. Our staff understands that going to the dentist can be stressful for children, which is why we take the time to clearly explain in friendly, simple language how treatments will be carried out.